Stian Thoresen
Stian Thoresen
Stian Thoresen er seniorforsker ved Mangfold og Inkludering. Han har arbeidet med forskings- og utviklingsprosjekter innenfor offentlig og privat sektor siden 2008 og har omfattende prosjekterfaring med oppdragsgivere fra ideelle organisasjoner, næringsliv, forvaltning og Forskningsrådet. Han har ledet flere prosjekter i Norge, Australia og Sørøst Asia. Både sosial og økonomisk integrasjon og gode overganger blant sårbare eller ekskluderte grupper er temamessige overbygginger for prosjektene han arbeid med.
Flere av prosjektene er relatert til overganger: fra skole til arbeid, familiehjem til eget hjem, og til voksenlivet. Disse prosjektene har først og fremst fokusert på unge voksne og ungdom med erfaringer fra barnevernet samt personer med funksjonshemming og/eller funksjonsnedsettelser.
Det er viktig å se enkeltpersonen, politikken og systemene som danner kontekster og arenaer for inkludering, mangfold, utenforskap, sårbarhet og overganger.
Avsluttet prosjektMangfold og inkludering
Oppfølgingsstudie av nytt integrert institusjonstilbud mellom barnevern og helse
Pågående prosjektMangfold og inkludering
Arbeidsinkludering av unge i risikosonen for marginalisering i Norge: Overganger, bakkebyråkrati og interorganisatorisk samarbeid
Pågående prosjektMangfold og inkludering
Evaluering av endringer i velferdstjenestelovene
Pågående prosjektMangfold og inkludering
Out of home care
Vitenskapelig artikkelMangfold og inkludering
A qualitative study of youth and child participation in Norwegian specialist child welfare services support measures: Dilemmas, ideals, and outcomes
RapportMangfold og inkludering
Final Research Evaluation Report of Project Employment : Vocational pathways for high school students with disabilities in Perth
Vitenskapelig foredrag
Arbeidsinkludering av unge med funksjonsnedsettelse eller psykososiale vansker
RapportMangfold og inkludering
Helsehjelp til barn i barnevernet - Behov, barrierer og helsetjenestebruk
Sammendrag/abstractMangfold og inkludering
Targeted school-to-work support for students with disabilities in Western Australia: Evaluation of Charged Up for Work
RapportMangfold og inkludering
Oppfølgingsstudie av nytt integrert institusjonstilbud mellom barnevern og helse
Faglig foredrag
Dialogseminar: Arbeidsinkludering av unge med funksjonsnedsettelse eller psykososiale vansker
Vitenskapelig foredragMangfold og inkludering
Møtet mellom barnehuset og mennesker med kognitive funksjonsnedsettelser
Sammendrag/abstractMangfold og inkludering
Accommodating persons with intellectual and cognitive disabilities in the Norwegian ‘Barnahus’(Children’s Houses)
Vitenskapelig artikkelMangfold og inkludering
Shedding light on the social and health realities of care-experienced young people in Western Australia: A population-level study
Vitenskapelig foredragMangfold og inkludering
Population based post-care pathways and outcomes for care leavers: Preliminary design of a registry study
Vitenskapelig artikkelMangfold og inkludering
Structural Disadvantages and Individual Characteristics Exacerbating Care Leavers’ Housing Vulnerabilities: Overview of Research in Norway and Australia
Vitenskapelig foredragMangfold og inkludering
Is Dialectical Behavioral Therapy a suitable intervention for adolescents in residential care? A scoping review
Vitenskapelig foredragMangfold og inkludering
Population-based outcomes in adulthood among Norwegian care-leavers: Disparities and opportunities for targeted interventions
LederMangfold og inkludering
‘The ‘social’ in social work
LederMangfold og inkludering
Spring 2023
RapportMangfold og inkludering
Barn og unges medvirkning i spesialiserte hjelpetiltak. En kvalitativ studie av PMTO, MST og FFT
KronikkMangfold og inkludering
Barn som kasteballer under offentlig omsorg
Vitenskapelig foredragMangfold og inkludering
What does linked data tell us about care leavers in Western Australia, and where to next for research, practice and policy?
LederMangfold og inkludering
LederMangfold og inkludering
Introducing the new editors of Nordic social work research
Vitenskapelig foredragMangfold og inkludering
Progressing choice and control in home and living options for adults with intellectual disability and high support needs: the case for Individual Supported Living
Vitenskapelig artikkelMangfold og inkludering
Developing and using matrix methods for analysis of large longitudinal qualitative datasets in out-of-home-care research
Vitenskapelig artikkelMangfold og inkludering
Outcomes in adulthood among former child welfare services recipients: findings from a Norwegian registry study covering two decades Utfall i voksenlivet blant personer som tidligere har mottatt tiltak fra barnevernet: Funn fra en Norsk registerstudie over to tiår
Vitenskapelig foredragMangfold og inkludering
Young people transition from out-of-home care in Norway: Population-based outcomes and future research directions
Vitenskapelig foredrag
Young people transitioning from out-of-home care in Norway and Australia: Interrelationships between policies, pathways, and outcomes
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Accommodating adults with intellectual disabilities and high support needs in Individual Supported Living arrangements. AHURI Final Report no. 380
LederMangfold og inkludering
Taking time seriously
LederMangfold og inkludering
RapportMangfold og inkludering
Flyktninger med store helseutfordringer: Bruk av helseinformasjon i arbeid med bosetting og kvalifisering
Vitenskapelig artikkelMangfold og inkludering
Accommodating transition: improving housing outcomes for young people leaving OHC. Final Report No. 364.
Vitenskapelig artikkelMangfold og inkludering
Three year longitudinal study of graduate employment outcomes for Australian apprentices and trainees with and without disabilities
Vitenskapelig artikkelMangfold og inkludering
Research protocol of a multifaceted prospective mixed-method longitudinal study: Navigating Through Life – Western Australian study of transitions from out-of-home care
RapportMangfold og inkludering
Small business enterprise models of employment for persons with intellectual disabilities and high support needs
Vitenskapelig artikkelMangfold og inkludering
Factors which affect the perceived health of adults with intellectual disability: A Western Australian study
Sammendrag/abstractMangfold og inkludering
How is intellectual disabilities conceptualised and operationalised in developing countries? Learnings from Lao PDR
RapportMangfold og inkludering
Individual Supported Living Project: Report for participants. June 2018
Vitenskapelig artikkelMangfold og inkludering
Meaningful social and economic inclusion through small business enterprise models of employment for adults with intellectual disability
Sammendrag/abstractMangfold og inkludering
Host families: one approach to individual supported living (ISL) arrangements for adults with intellectual disabilities
Vitenskapelig artikkelMangfold og inkludering
Identifying the needs of refugee and asylum-seeking children in Thailand: a focus on the perspective of the children
Vitenskapelig artikkelMangfold og inkludering
A snapshot of intellectual disabilities in Lao PDR: Challenges for the development of services
Vitenskapelig monografiMangfold og inkludering
Individual Supported Living Review Scoring Booklet (2nd Edition)
Vitenskapelig monografiMangfold og inkludering
Individual Supported Living Manual (2nd Edition)
FagartikkelMangfold og inkludering
You can't solve homelessness through housing alone
Vitenskapelig foredragMangfold og inkludering
Small Business Enterprises for adults with intellectual disabilities and high support needs: Innovative and entrepreneurial approaches to meaningful employment
RapportMangfold og inkludering
Quality and outcomes of individual supported living (ISL) arrangements for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Final Report, July 2017
RapportMangfold og inkludering
Improving access to social and economic services for people with disability in Lao PDR: Policy research report
Vitenskapelig foredragMangfold og inkludering
Special Speech: Innovation towards accessibility for all: Inclusion for persons with disabilities
Vitenskapelig foredragMangfold og inkludering
Individual Supported Living (ISL) as a quality framework to create and promote “one’s own home”
Vitenskapelig foredragMangfold og inkludering
Meaningful employment for persons with intellectual disabilities and high support needs through Small Business Enterprises
Vitenskapelig foredragMangfold og inkludering
Learnings from disability-inclusive development projects in Lao PDR to support employment pathways and Outcomes for Persons with Disabilities
Vitenskapelig foredragMangfold og inkludering
Inclusion of persons with disabilities in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development: Learnings from disability-inclusive development projects in Lao PDR
Vitenskapelig foredragMangfold og inkludering
Characteristics of Individual Supported Living (ISL) arrangements for adults with intellectual disabilities
Vitenskapelig foredragMangfold og inkludering
Individual Supported Living – A new approach to planning for accommodation and a full life in the community
Sammendrag/abstractMangfold og inkludering
Early outcomes of the Individual Supported Living (ISL) Project for adults with intellectual disability
Vitenskapelig artikkelMangfold og inkludering
Health status and use of medications by adults with intellectual disability in Western Australia
Vitenskapelig artikkelMangfold og inkludering
Examples of individual supported living (ISL) for adults with intellectual disability
RapportMangfold og inkludering
Report on research findings: Improving access to social and economic services for people with disability in Lao PDR
Vitenskapelig foredragMangfold og inkludering
Panel Discussion: Building an inclusive employment and entrepreneurship ecosystem for people with disability
Vitenskapelig foredragMangfold og inkludering
Small Business Enterprise (SBE) Models of Employment for People with Disability and High Support Needs
Vitenskapelig foredragMangfold og inkludering
Individual Supported Living (ISL) for Adults with Intellectual Disability: A Holistic Quality Framework
Vitenskapelig foredragMangfold og inkludering
Health, Education and Employment of People with Disabilities in Lao PDR: Preliminary Findings from a Survey
Vitenskapelig foredragMangfold og inkludering
Developing Monitoring and Evaluation Capacity in Lao PDR for Disability-Inclusive Policy, Programs and Practice
Vitenskapelig artikkelMangfold og inkludering
Pathways to employment and quality of life for apprenticeship and traineeship graduates with disabilities
RapportMangfold og inkludering
Graduate experiences among apprentices and trainees with disabilities: supplementary report
RapportMangfold og inkludering
Monitoring and evaluation workshop report: M&E for disability-inclusive policy, programs and practice
Vitenskapelig foredragMangfold og inkludering
Australian apprentices and trainees with disability: Graduate outcomes and successful completion strategies
Vitenskapelig foredragMangfold og inkludering
The Lao PDR Decree on Persons with Disabilities: Policies, Practices, Programs, and Advocacy to Strengthen Disability-Inclusive Development in Lao PDR
Vitenskapelig foredragMangfold og inkludering
Barriers to employment for people with disabilities: The Australian context
Vitenskapelig foredragMangfold og inkludering
Aspects of Health in Adults with Intellectual Disability in Western Australia
Vitenskapelig artikkelMangfold og inkludering
The individual supported living manual: a planning and review instrument for individual supported living arrangements for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities
Vitenskapelig foredragMangfold og inkludering
Facilitating disability inclusive development in Lao DPR by improving access to social and economic services: a scoping review of contexts and concepts
RapportMangfold og inkludering
The WA study of health and intellectual disability
Vitenskapelig foredragMangfold og inkludering
Apprentices and trainees with disabilities: profiting from participation and completion?
Vitenskapelig foredragMangfold og inkludering
Education for People with Disability: Learnings from Inclusive Education in Lao PDR and a Longitudinal Study of Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) in Australia
Vitenskapelig foredragMangfold og inkludering
Longitudinal employment and related economic outcomes for apprenticeship and traineeship graduates with disabilities
Vitenskapelig foredragMangfold og inkludering
Employment and related economic outcomes for apprenticeship and traineeship graduates with disability: findings from a three year longitudinal study
Vitenskapelig foredragMangfold og inkludering
Measuring quality of individual supported living (ISL) for adults with developmental disability
Vitenskapelig foredragMangfold og inkludering
The WA study of health and intellectual disability: An overview
Vitenskapelig foredragMangfold og inkludering
Measuring quality of individual supported living for adults with developmental disability
Vitenskapelig artikkelMangfold og inkludering
Employment and related economic outcomes for Australian apprenticeship and traineeship graduates with disabilities: baseline findings from a national three-year longitudinal study
Sammendrag/abstractMangfold og inkludering
Australian apprentices & trainees with intellectual or learning disabilities: graduate social & economic outcomes
Sammendrag/abstractMangfold og inkludering
WASHID: A survey identifying health inequalities of adults with intellectual disabilities in Western Australia
RapportMangfold og inkludering
Barriers and facilitators for course completion of apprentices and trainees with disabilities
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/KonferanseartikkelMangfold og inkludering
Social and economic outcomes from VET in Schools for people with disabilities: initial findings from an Australian national longitudinal study
Vitenskapelig foredragMangfold og inkludering
Benefits of completing apprenticeships and traineeships for people with disabilities: initial findings from a national longitudinal study and policy implications
Vitenskapelig foredragMangfold og inkludering
One person at a time: The quality of individual supported living arrangements for adults with developmental disabilities
Vitenskapelig foredragMangfold og inkludering
Employment outcomes for Australian apprenticeship and traineeship graduates with disabilities: second wave outcomes from a national longitudinal study
Populærvitenskapelig artikkelMangfold og inkludering
Economic and social outcomes of completing traineeships and apprenticeships for Australians with disabilities
Sammendrag/abstractMangfold og inkludering
Evaluating the quality of individual supported living arrangements for adults with developmental disabilities
RapportMangfold og inkludering
The Inspire Project: Social inclusion and community participation. Final Report. February 2012
Faglig foredragMangfold og inkludering
Social and economic outcomes for apprenticeship/traineeship graduates with disability
Vitenskapelig foredragMangfold og inkludering
Initial pathways and transitions for apprentices and trainees with disability
Vitenskapelig artikkelMangfold og inkludering
Failure of care in state care: in-care abuse and post-care homelessness
Vitenskapelig artikkelMangfold og inkludering
Successful approaches to placing and supporting apprentices and trainees with disability in Australia
Vitenskapelig artikkelMangfold og inkludering
Post-course outcomes of apprenticeships and traineeships for people with disability in Western Australia
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/KonferanseartikkelMangfold og inkludering
Young People leaving state out-of-home care: A research-based study of Australian policy and practice
RapportMangfold og inkludering
Individual Supported Living Manual
Vitenskapelig artikkelMangfold og inkludering
Universal health care in Thailand: concerns among the health care workforce
Vitenskapelig foredragMangfold og inkludering
"I could have use a lot more help..." The impact of Australian housing market dynamics upon young care leavers and homeless youth.
RapportMangfold og inkludering
Individual Supported Living Review Scoring Booklet
Vitenskapelig foredragMangfold og inkludering
Human resources for health in Thailand: The notion of a social contract
RapportMangfold og inkludering
Pathways from out-ofhome care
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/KonferanseartikkelMangfold og inkludering
Housing and young people leaving out-of-home care
FagartikkelMangfold og inkludering
Post-care housing pathways
Vitenskapelig oversiktsartikkel/reviewMangfold og inkludering
Pathways from out-of-home care
Vitenskapelig foredragMangfold og inkludering
Cultural dimensions in human resource development for health in Thailand: The notion of a social contract
Vitenskapelig artikkelMangfold og inkludering
Inequitable distribution of human resources for health: perceptions among Thai healthcare professionals
DoktorgradsavhandlingMangfold og inkludering
Health care challenges and human resources for health in Thailand: migrations, social and political tensions, and human rights implications
Vitenskapelig foredragMangfold og inkludering
Transitions in the Thai health care system: HIV/AIDS, migration and remittances
Vitenskapelig foredragMangfold og inkludering
The HIV/AIDS Pandemic, Human Rights, and Brain Drain: Ensuring Sustainable Healthcare in Thailand