Social network analysis in organizations: Ethical considerations and measures

Studio Apertura
Social network analysis (SNA) is a methodological approach based on the network paradigm, focusing on the opportunities and constraints inherent in the interconnections between individuals or social units, rather than solely on their attributes. SNA has emerged as an increasingly common way of approaching social phenomena during the last few decades, utilized extensively both within academic studies and in practitioner domains such as management consulting. However, it may be as Kadushin (2005) suggests, that the social network field have developed further in its ability to arrive at incisive analyses than in terms of comprehending the conditions for responsible uses of such analyses. In addition to the general ethical considerations one must take into account when performing social research, the very nature of SNA introduces special ethical problems which must be recognized and dealt with. This essay will discuss the most pertinent of these problems in regards to the author’s current research project.