Brit-Eli Danielsen
Brit-Eli Danielsen
Brit-Eli Danielsen is a biologist and Senior R & D Engineer at CIRiS. In addition, she is currently pursuing a PhD in Industrial Design at NTNU. Danielsen has since 2008 been working with research- and development-projects connected to human spaceflight. The research projects have mainly been international with funding from EU and ESA. Danielsen has as part of a project team planned and performed experiments on the International Space Station, worked as a control room operator, been responsible for training control room operators and led the design and build of a new control room.
The main research interests the recent years have been work in control rooms and remote operations, with focus on topics like design, human-machine interaction, and performance of sociotechnical systems. These topics are not only relevant for the space sector, they are increasingly relevant for most industry sectors on Earth. Besides the space sector Danielsen’s research has mainly been connected to the maritime sector, including both conventional shipping and autonomous ships.
Brit-Eli is on partial(60 %) leave of absence until 28.02.2022.
Vitenskapelig artikkelCIRiS
Somebody Else’s Problem? Usability in Ship Bridge Design Seen from the Perspective of Different Maritime Actors
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“Seafarers should be navigating by the stars”: barriers to usability in ship bridge design
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The Contribution of Ship Bridge Design to Maritime Accidents
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Making Sense of Sensemaking in High-Risk Organizations
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Still Unresolved After All These Years: Human-Technology Interaction in the Maritime Domain
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Examination of Design and Human Factors Supporting Sensemaking, Resilience and Performance in the Ship Accident Helge Ingstad in Norway
Digitale læremidlerCIRiS
Sensemaking i maritime operasjoner. En podcast som oppsummerer forelesning om human factors i maritim industri.
Vitenskapelig artikkelCIRiS
Sensemaking in Critical Situations and in Relation to Resilience - A Review
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/KonferanseartikkelCIRiS
Making sense of bridge design: how seamanship may challenge technology-as-designed
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/KonferanseartikkelCIRiS
Improvements in Rules and Regulations to Support Sensemaking in Safety-critical Maritime Operations
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/KonferanseartikkelCIRiS
Chasing the end-user perspective in bridge design
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/KonferanseartikkelCIRiS
Sensemaking and resilience in safety-critical situations: a literature review
Faglig foredragCIRiS
Assessing Human Performance and Fatigue in a Control Room during ISS Operations
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A project management issue of new technology developments : A case study on lack of human factors' attention in human-robot interaction
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/KonferanseartikkelCIRiS
Sensemaking on the Bridge: A Theoretical Approach to Maritime Information Design
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/KonferanseartikkelCIRiS
Assessing human performance and fatigue in a control room during ISS operations
Populærvitenskapelig foredragCIRiS
Innledning til premiere på filmen “Hidden Figures” under filmfestivalen Kosmorama
Intervju i NRK P2 Ekko. Tema "Kvinner og romfart" i anledning kvinnedagen 2017.
Populærvitenskapelig foredragCIRiS
STARMUS omvisning: "Herfra har Trondheim direktelinje til den internasjonale romstasjonen"
Faglig foredragCIRiS
Presentasjon av CIRiS forskning, den internasjonale romstasjonen (ISS) og menneskelig utforskning av verdensrommet
Intervju i forbindelse med kvinnedagen og filmen "Hidden Figures"
Intervju i forbindelse med kvinnedagen og filmen "Hidden Figures"
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/KonferanseartikkelCIRiS
Preparing for human spaceflight to the Moon 2020-2030.
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/KonferanseartikkelCIRiS
Analyzing safety strategies at the front-end of projects
Populærvitenskapelig foredragCIRiS
Mat i verdensrommet
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/KonferanseartikkelCIRiS
Laying the basis for resilient human-robot interactions in future space exploration missions
"Man in Space: Kan vi skifte klode om det trengs?"
Hva skal til for å reise til mars? Intervju med Deutsche Welle Radio.
Populærvitenskapelig artikkelCIRiS
Dyrker blomster i rommet
Hva skal til for å reise til Mars? Reportasje om CIRiS (N-USOK/Time Scale) Mars mission, NASA, Orion, Trondheim
Vitenskapelig foredragCIRiS
PREPARING FOR THE UNEXPECTED. A New Era of Coordinated Human and Robotic Exploration.
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/KonferanseartikkelCIRiS
Control Room Training and Certification for Space Operations
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Successful and Safe Operation - A Combination of Individual, Team and Organization Training
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Exploring the Impact of Mental Models on Teamwork and Project Performance
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Simulation of Space Operation - A Study on Learning in Control Rooms
Vitenskapelig foredragCIRiS
Human Space Flight - Training to ensure successful operations and safe performance in control rooms
Faglig foredragCIRiS
Analyzing safety strategies at the front-end of projects
Vitenskapelig foredragCIRiS
EMCS - Operation of an ESA Payload in a NASA Rack