Brit-Eli Danielsen

Brit-Eli Danielsen is a biologist and Senior R & D Engineer at CIRiS. In addition, she is currently pursuing a PhD in Industrial Design at NTNU. Danielsen has since 2008 been working with research- and development-projects connected to human spaceflight. The research projects have mainly been international with funding from EU and ESA. Danielsen has as part of a project team planned and performed experiments on the International Space Station, worked as a control room operator, been responsible for training control room operators and led the design and build of a new control room.

The main research interests the recent years have been work in control rooms and remote operations, with focus on topics like design, human-machine interaction, and performance of sociotechnical systems. These topics are not only relevant for the space sector, they are increasingly relevant for most industry sectors on Earth. Besides the space sector Danielsen’s research has mainly been connected to the maritime sector, including both conventional shipping and autonomous ships.

Brit-Eli is on partial(60 %) leave of absence until 28.02.2022.
