Avsluttet prosjekt

The cultural logic of facts and figures. (CUFF)

01.02.2013 - 31.12.2015
Studio Apertura

​This project studies objectification, standardization and measurements as cultural processes. CUFF is interdisciplinary and international, and studies these cultural trends from a wide variety of perspectives. We contribute as project organizers and are also conducting a dedicated case study of how these trends, manifested in the accountability regimes of New Public Management, in reporting systems and procedures, and in the logic of evidence based interventions, influence the Children’s services in Norway.

In our case study we cooperate with RKUB Midt-Norge, while the overall CUFF-project is in collaboration with the Department of Social Anthropology at NTNU and SINTEF Technology and Society as well as several international partners.

See the first specia​l issue​ from the project.

External link: http://www.ntnu.edu/sosant/cuf...

Linked publications: http://www.cultureunbound.ep.l...
