Susanne Therese Hansen
Susanne Therese Hansen
Susanne Therese Hansen is a political scientist and a Senior Researcher at Studio Apertura, NTNU Samfunnsforskning AS. She holds a PhD in political science (2016) from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU).
Hansen has a broad interest in institutions, organisations, governance, regulation, implementation of norms and rules, risk, security and societal safety and security. She conducts research both within international relations and public policy, and often focuses on dynamics between policy levels and between sectors.
Hansen's research spans across three broad empirical areas: First, Hansen has conducted extensive research on European states' norm development and implementation of risk-based regulations in arms export control. This was the focus of her PhD, and although this is not currently her primary area of research, she has continued her research on arms export control also after her PhD. Second, she has conducted research on the political dynamics of the Norwegian renewable energy transition, focusing inter alia on resource nationalist discourse in renewable energy export questions. Third, since 2021 her main focus of research has circled around how geopolitical tension and hybrid threats affect public and private organisations, and society as a whole. Since December 2023, Hansen has been the leader of the research project INTERSECT, that focuses on multi-level and cross-sectoral security governance and corporate adaptation in the face of hybrid threats towards critical maritime energy infrastructures.
Before joining Studio Apertura and NTNU Samfunnsforskning AS in 2021, Hansen worked fulltime at NTNU from 2009. At NTNU, she taught at the study programmes in Political Science and European Studies.
Hansen supervises three PhD students, and regularly contributes to panel discussions, external courses and committees.
Pågående prosjektStudio Apertura
SEAGATE: Securing maritime energy infrastructures
Pågående prosjektStudio Apertura
LEGITIPREP: Boundaries of Legitimation: Crisis Normalization and Preparedness
Pågående prosjektStudio Apertura
INTERSECT – New geopolitics and the interaction between safety and security in petroleum risk governance
Avsluttet prosjektStudio Apertura
Vitenskapelig foredragStudio Apertura
The securitization of critical infrastructures.
Vitenskapelig foredragStudio Apertura
Challenging the risk regulating models. The Security Act and the Petroleum Safety Authority
Vitenskapelig artikkelStudio Apertura
Taking connectedness seriously. A research agenda for holistic safety and security risk governance
Vitenskapelig foredragStudio Apertura
Multilevel risk governance in an era of geopolitical tension
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
An Uncertain Risk Concept? Perceptions of Uncertainty Among Risk Professionals in Norwegian Petroleum Companies
Vitenskapelig artikkelStudio Apertura
Renewable energy expansion or the preservation of national energy sovereignty? Norwegian renewable energy policy meets resource nationalism
Vitenskapelig artikkelStudio Apertura
Exploiting and constructing legal ambiguity. UK arms exports to Saudi Arabia during the war in Yemen
Vitenskapelig foredragStudio Apertura
Third-party audit bodies' role in risk and safety regulation
Vitenskapelig artikkelStudio Apertura
Kraftmangel i horisonten: Norsk klima-utenrikspolitikk fra konsensus til strid?
Vitenskapelig artikkelStudio Apertura
Legitimation between norms and interests. Norway's arms exports to countries at war in Yemen
KronikkStudio Apertura
Hvilke langsiktige konsekvenser har krigen i Ukraina for Norge?
Intervju tidsskriftStudio Apertura
Et grovt brudd på folkeretten
KronikkStudio Apertura
Kan Norge sende våpen?
KronikkStudio Apertura
Hvilke langsiktige konsekvenser har krigen i Ukraina for Norge?
Populærvitenskapelig foredragStudio Apertura
Våpeneksportøren Norge og krigen i Jemen.
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/KonferanseartikkelStudio Apertura
Why Norway as a Green Battery for Europe Is Still to Happen, and Probably Will Not
Populærvitenskapelig foredragStudio Apertura
Norges rolle i verden: Bare godhet?
DoktorgradsavhandlingStudio Apertura
Ambiguous legalization. Assessing legalization and compliance in the European Union conventional arms export control regime
Vitenskapelig artikkelStudio Apertura
Taking ambiguity seriously: Explaining the indeterminacy of the European Union conventional arms export control regime
Vitenskapelig artikkelStudio Apertura
Normative power and organized hypocrisy: European Union member states’ arms export to Libya
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/KonferanseartikkelStudio Apertura
Barentssamarbeidet i norsk utenrikspolitikk. Kriseforebygging i nord
Vitenskapelig artikkelStudio Apertura
International regime analyses in the northeast Atlantic
Vitenskapelig foredragStudio Apertura
The European Union conventional arms export control regime. Evaluating its impact on arms export
Vitenskapelig foredragStudio Apertura
Countering efforts at peace and norms? EU arms exports to Libya, 2004-2011
Vitenskapelig foredragStudio Apertura
Who are coddling the dictators? Western versus Chinese small arms exports, 1992-2009
KronikkStudio Apertura
Delelinjeavtalen - årsaker og konsekvenser
Vitenskapelig foredragStudio Apertura
The Central Role of Regionalism in Norwegian Foreign Policy in the North