Avsluttet prosjekt
MOONWALK is a 3-year cooperative R&D project funded by the European Commission under the “space activity” theme of the 7th Framework Programme. The resurgence of human missions to Moon and Mars on future planetary exploration plans of leading space faring nations has put the spotlight back on the need for earth-analogue simulations of planetary exploration missions. Earth-analogue simulations are typically simplified and abstracted representations of a more intricate real-world system.
Earth-analogue simulations serve as tools to:
(a) Test new hardware and software
(b) Study human behavior
(c) Conduct habitability and human factors research
(d) Develop procedures and protocols
(e) Devise experiments for mission science (e.g. astrobiology, geology)
(f) Develop physiological and psychological countermeasures in preparation for real missions in the future.