About us
CIRiS (Center for Interdisciplinary Research in Space) works with research and development in manned spaceflight. After more than ten years of biology research and development in microgravity and remote operations on board the International Space Station (ISS) in space, CIRiS now has its eyes on the moon as well.
CIRiS is an active partner in several research and development projects throughout Europe. CIRiS 'work in the space sector also means a lot to other industries, not least agriculture, but also aquaculture and other industries.
CIRiS works to facilitate a lunar base through three focus areas: operations, life support system and technology development.
Operations are about making people, processes, autonomous systems and new technologies safer, more resilient and more efficient. The research has an innovative and interdisciplinary approach to already established disciplines, and must therefore contribute to the best possible decisions.
In the work with bioregenerative life support systems, recycling of resources is absolutely crucial. In this way, the activity also has a significant synergy for better resource utilization here on earth.

A key driving force for CIRiS is innovation, with a clear goal of developing technological solutions for human further exploration of space. Especially towards the moon - and eventually Mars. CIRiS currently carries out, among other things, the design, development and production of certified experimental equipment for the International Space Station.
CIRiS was established in 2007, based on the ESA project (The European Space Agency) «N-USOC», which stands for Norwegian User Support And Operations Center. The project originated from space biology research at NTNU in the 80s and 90s.
Since its establishment, CIRiS has established itself as a recognized research and development environment (R&D) in manned spaceflight. CIRiS is an interdisciplinary, experienced and attractive international partner across sectors and environments.
Head of department:
NTNU Samfunnsforskning AS
Dragvoll Allé 38 B, 7049 Trondheim